
Never spill a drop with Contigo

Sometimes this gig benefits you in ways you would never expect. Case in point: some unknown person forwarded my post on Kicking Horse Coffee to that very company. The good folks at Kicking Horse were pleased with my feedback and proceeded to send me some free coffee. Cool.

When the coffee arrived, it was accompanied by a nice looking travel mug by Contigo. This was the first I’ve heard of this product, but after the first use, I was sold. Great design is an understatement.

There are three issues that seem to plague the travel mug industry:

  • It’s much too easy to overfill your mug—except you don’t know until you put the lid on and spill your hot beverage all over your hand.
  • Despite your every effort and care, there is a small dribble of coffee sliding down the outside of your mug after every sip.
  • Those who drink their coffee black (is there really any other way?) know this—99% of all travel mugs make your coffee taste like it was brewed at McDonalds. That is, in a word, bad.

This mug is different.

The lid is so well designed. You hold down the red button to take a drink and use the small opening at the very top of the lid. Sounds simple, right? Yet so many mugs get it wrong. Unlike other mugs, where the air going into the mug competes for space with the liquid coming out, the Contigo mug produces a smooth flow of liquid.

Right. into. your. mouth. No spills. No dribbles. No mess.

As well, because the lid screws on to the outside of the top of the cup, there is no opportunity to spill your drink when putting the lid in place.

Best of all, every cup of coffee I have had in this mug has tasted great.

After multiple uses, my only complaint is that the beverage does not hold its heat quite long enough. The website claims 4 hours—my experience is more like 1.5 hours. Still, a niggling issue when they get everything else right.

If you care about your drinking ‘en route’, give this company a try. I recommend it.