OS X Tips and Tricks

Widgets right on the desktop

Here’s a nice post by Elliot at Carsonified. He lists some of his favorite setups/shortcuts/commands for getting work done in OS X. I recognized a few of these, but there were some others that caught my eye:

  • #3 – Hold down CMD and click to interact with background windows in OSX. I always knew you could scroll, but did not realize you could interact with elements in the background window. Cool.
  • #4 – Selecting a directory on the path you’re in. Safari and Finder enable this - right-, ctrl- or cmd-click on the text in the title bar of a window, and it gives you a drop-down list of the parent directories. In Safari, this means the parent folder of the current page. You can then quickly and easily navigate to a parent or grandparent folder. Another handy feature.
  • #5 – … once you’re in the dashboard, click and drag a widget, and then while still dragging, hit the dashboard button. Voila, a widget on your desktop. This one I’ve heard before, but have never played with.
  • # 8 – CMD-L : current addressUnder the shortcut keys, this one will be a regular for me now.

As if I didn’t have enough, these are a few more reasons for me to love this OS.